CultureKotaku Game DiaryCultureKotaku Game DiaryArdenweald Is The Best Shadowlands Zone And It’s Not Even CloseMy Shadowlands experience has been an interesting curve. It started poorly in Bastion, picked up in Maldraxxus, and…ByAsh ParrishPublishedDecember 3, 2020
ReviewsSwitchReviewsSwitchHyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity: The Kotaku ReviewLady Urbosa.ByAsh ParrishPublishedNovember 18, 2020
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OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsMy First Three Hours With Destiny 2: Beyond Light Today is Destiny 2’s big day. Beyond Light, the game’s third major expansion, is finally live after a seven-week…ByEthan GachPublishedNovember 10, 2020
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsAdvance Wars Fans, Please Play Mobius Front '83 ImmediatelyI was surprised a few weeks back to see the announcement for Mobius Front ‘83, a new tactics game for the PC by…ByLuke PlunkettPublishedNovember 9, 2020
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