Super Mario Galaxy 2’s gameplay is superb, having some of the most creative level design I’ve experienced.…
Up until this point, Dreamfall Chapters has taken place almost entirely in two sprawling cities, one in a fantasy…
The closest one can legitimately get to playing The Legend of Zelda on mobile is now the closest one can get to…
Spring means we get rain, flowers, warmer weather and, more importantly, a new anime season. But with 60 new anime…
There are a lot of new anime on the air right now—47 of them to be exact—and it can be more than a little difficult…
The worst thing Batman: Arkham Origins: Blackgate has going for it is its mouthful of a title.
WiiWare really heats up in this week's Nintendo Download with Cozy Fire, a fireplace simulator with six - count 'em…
This week, Kotaku brings you not only the current week's worth of new gaming-based comics hitting shops... but last…