My Mii’s popularity in Nintendo’s mobile app, Miitomo, has been capped at level 20 weeks now. With my waning…
My Mii’s popularity in Nintendo’s mobile app, Miitomo, has been capped at level 20 weeks now. With my waning…
It’s March 14, 2016, also known as Rounded Pi Day. Chances of me ever eating six pies for a Snacktaku video again…
Anime fandom is a fortress of obscure slang, iconography, and inside jokes. After 16 years of fandom, I'm quite…
Welcome to the first official Ask Kotaku column, where I will provide weekly answers to the questions you send me.…
This is Mike Fahey with Kotaku, reminding you to keep your pets spayed and neutered, in honor of a The Price is Right…
There is a bakery in my SimCity city. It's got a big cupcake on the roof. It's been there, on the corner of some…
Being a comic book fan in the 80s I grew up thinking there was no problem that couldn't be solved by golden flaky…
While playing Tiny Tower, do you worry about your Bitizens' happiness, or ignore them in favor of staffing your…
The most common email response I received to my previous column ("Japan: It's Not Funny Anymore") was a perplexed…
This morning a videogame literally forced me to say "I love you", enunciating every syllable perfectly, clearly…