Anime director Satoshi Kon passed away on August 24th, 2010 after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer earlier the…
Anime director Satoshi Kon passed away on August 24th, 2010 after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer earlier the…
So Nvidia has a new gaming handheld on the way, powered by its latest mobile chip and capable of playing Android…
Welcome to the Best of Kotaku, where I round up all of this week's best content.
There are at least two timelines on the Internet that put the major Super Mario games in chronological order, as if…
Chicago. Arizona. Tennesee. New Zealand. England. Now a man in Polk County, Florida is accused of murdering his…
Since the dawn of gaming there have been top ten lists. Lists of the best games; lists of the worst games; lists of…
A few months ago, I wrote an article on nerds and male privilege. Maybe you read it.
I, like so many other video game enthusiasts, am something of a Mass Effect fan. I love the stories, I love the…
Penny Arcade's game-suggesting iPhone app, Decide-O-Tron, is starting to showcase the favorite games of folks…
In a Nintendo Download populated by baby simulations, demos, and piano tutors, only one ancient robot has the power…