Cowardice, I have learned in my many years of being a video game coward, comes in many forms. Games often try to…
Cowardice, I have learned in my many years of being a video game coward, comes in many forms. Games often try to…
In February, aspiring streamer Mystic hit a breaking point. When her kids started going to school, she had decided…
There’s a new Star Wars out, have you seen it yet? It’s more likely than ever that the answer is “no.” Solo: A Star…
The original Guild Wars first came out in 2005. By MMO standards, it’s ancient. Two developers have taken it upon…
Marvel actually did it. The reigning king of planet blockbuster crammed 30-plus superheroes into a single sardine…
Before The Hunger Games, before Battle Royale, there was another movie based on a book about a dystopian future…
I’ve spent a long time trekking across Far Cry 5’s fictional Hope County, Montana fighting the members of an…
On March 3, 2017, Nintendo launched the Switch, the miracle gaming system that’s a console and a handheld at the…
It had been two months since self-described “titty streamer” Kaceytron finally covered up.
I’m blown away by Horizon Zero Dawn’s breathtaking landscapes, dinosaur-mecha battles, and its emotionally powerful…