This weekend, a new Die Hard movie comes out. I'm just going on a hunch here, but I'm guessing that it will…
This weekend, a new Die Hard movie comes out. I'm just going on a hunch here, but I'm guessing that it will…
Of course you aren't going to see the new Twilight movie. I'll just leave the links to Twilight QuizUp for Android (p…
When someone talks about the Super Mario Bros. movie, you'd be forgiven for assuming they're talking about the 1993…
Not the toys. And not the Michael Bay horror films. I mean the 1986 animated feature.
I am pretty much the biggest Metal Gear Solid fan there is, and I really, really hope that Metal Gear Solid 5…
You're not into musicals; I get that. It's a silly show that definitely didn't make me cry multiple times during…
Maybe you stayed offline all week and couldn't check out your favorite Gawker Media sites. Or maybe you just got…
Slowly but surely, we are finishing up another trip around the sun. With next Friday seeing Christmas eve, this was…
Blizzard may have shrugged off coordinated community discontent in the past, but this week, we weren't talking about…
Let's separate the Xbox hype from the Xbox reality. Every year's massive E3 gaming event includes big press…