On November 6, 2012 a profoundly simple game called Curiosity was officially launched on iPhones, inviting people to…
Connect actors and films through their careers and cast members in under 2 minutes!
On November 6, 2012 a profoundly simple game called Curiosity was officially launched on iPhones, inviting people to…
Japanese people have different tastes from their Western counterparts (Heck, many of Kotaku East's Culture Smash…
What does a games writer do, exactly? What is a writer's job? If we're talking about a writer on a movie or the…
My wife asked me this the other day, and what I thought was a pretty inane question actually turned into an absolute…
E3 is never a time for social calls. It's nonstop work. Last June, the only developer I met with outside the walls…
During this most romantic/depressing week of the year, let us not forget the gaming apps, whose portability and…
In an office in Union Square last week, BioShock Infinite 's lead creator, Ken Levine, said I could ask him about…
For the past two months, we've been running a feature called Pecking Order, in which we rank every game in a series,…
When I first caught wind of Hello Games bringing their stunt-racing hero Joe Danger to iOS, I imagined a straight…
There was, once upon a time, a serious plan to bring a Metroid movie to the silver screen. With John Woo directing.…