It's taken Mortal Kombat X to show me how much I've changed since 1992.
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It's taken Mortal Kombat X to show me how much I've changed since 1992.
Prison architect is full of surprisingly resonant moral choices. To quote Stephen Totilo:
You'd think that the first weather-related cancellation of an episode of Monday Night Raw in the show's 1000-plus…
Working on the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 remixes has been good training for Kingdom Hearts 3, said Tai Yasue…
The developer and publisher of Hotline Miami 2 have responded to news of the hyper-violent action game being…
Every few years, someone will sound the death knell for adventure games and then some developer will come along and…
Kotaku UK's three main contributors share five favourite games each from 2014.
Poor Hal Jordan. He can't carry a movie, he can't be trusted with his own LEGO playset, and when Traveller's Tales…
Far Cry 4 is the kind of game that lets you make a lot of mistakes. The first night I started playing, I walked into…
GreenManGaming's VIP has a killer set of discounts going, including $12 off Assassin's Creed Unity, $12 off Far…