This week, we finished streaming David Cage’s crime thriller Heavy Rain on Kotaku’s Twitch channel. It’s a game of…
Connect actors and films through their careers and cast members in under 2 minutes!
This week, we finished streaming David Cage’s crime thriller Heavy Rain on Kotaku’s Twitch channel. It’s a game of…
So you dream of moving to Japan and making anime. But what’s it really like? Just ask Thomas Romain.
Beneath the Hotline Miami series’ savagely violent mind-trip lies an acutely intelligent narrative—one that…
The new Reservoir Dogs video game Reservoir Dogs: Bloody Days is occasionally fun. But every time I felt myself…
Imagine your old high school. Picture the doors you’d pass through at the start of each day. See if you can recall…
“Magic is secretly, not really … it’s not one game,” head Magic: The Gathering designer Mark Rosewater told me. “It…
Hail, ye Nintendo faithful! Loyal folk that you are, a Wii U rests beneath your TV. The console never quite hit its…