With this past generation, the most terrifying thing console owners could see was a small red or yellow light that…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Motherboard
Motherboard is an action-adventure game, settled inside the computer! Take on the role of the Bit - one of the inhabitants of the motherboard and help him to save the world from viruses!
With this past generation, the most terrifying thing console owners could see was a small red or yellow light that…
American Tim Cannon is a "biohacker". That unsightly bulge on his arm there is where he stuck a giant computer chip…
The latest Humble Weekly features the games of Team 17, including a whole lot of Worms. Get it while it's hot, and…
Military games that feature robotic combat drones are normally labelled as "futuristic", or "near future". Might…
Retired US Army Capt. William Swenson was awarded the Medal of Honor yesterday for his conduct during a firefight in…
We've added a few great Xbox One promotions to our moves list, but now it's time for a c-c-combo. We mentioned…
Valve's first Steam Machine—the one they'll be sending out to 300 beta users later this year—will be a…
You cannot deny your Destiny. Join me, and we can buy a majority stake in the galaxy together.
Guns for the Call of Duty generation: here's documentary by Motherboard about "smart weapons," or guns with scopes that incorporate HUDs that help even novices pull off one-shot-one-kills. The gun does all the accuracy calculations for you. Fascinating stuff, and yes, they do talk about people who play games.
This is SNESoIP, an open-source project put together by a pair of Germans that lets you play original SNES games,…