Most Wanted, Book 2 is the second book of the Most Wanted series. It succeeds its first book, Most Wanted, Book 1. This book has now been canceled as of 2021.
Steven Spielberg’s adaptation of Ready Player One, like the source material, is chock full of references to 80s…
It is the future. A young man, arms strong from competing with 100 other shoppers every day to be the only person to…
Thor: Ragnarok dropped last Thursday night, and Mike Fahey and Gita Jackson had a chance to see it shortly…
Hello all you interweb heartbubbles of desire, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the official dating advice column of…
It seemed like a surefire hit: a Star Wars take on Uncharted, published by Electronic Arts and developed by the…
Hello all you freakazoids d’amour, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column that’s been…
Destiny PvP has always been where I look to more deeply understand the mechanics underpinning the game. When I look…