The score was out of reach. The fans had given up. The result would have no effect on the season. Nothing suggested…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Morning Men
Take a trip back to the golden age of science fiction as Morning Men blends an out-of-this-world story with point-and-click adventuring and turn-based JRPG-style combat. Each character has his or her own traits, which can be changed based on your decisions made throughout your adventure. Help, hurt, or even ruin one of your companions lives by either masterfully or carelessly picking your next narrative step.
The score was out of reach. The fans had given up. The result would have no effect on the season. Nothing suggested…
Join Kotaku contributing columnist and owner of some of the largest earrings in the industry Leigh Alexander…
Are you going to this year's San Diego Comic-Con? Then you must love video games, a medium that has a stronger…
In this essay originally penned for First Things, Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput discusses the recent Supreme…
The 3D breasts were inevitable. After Nintendo revealed its glasses-free 3D portable, the Nintendo 3DS, it was…
[Updated] Last night, the fury took over. The first time in three weeks he fired up the Xbox 360, and some little…
Earlier this year, anime Puella Magi Madoka Magica took Japan's otakudom by storm. Now that the series has…
Were you nose-deep in a good book and miss out on your favorite Gawker Media sites this week? In need of some visual…
Artist Andy Helms has been going bananas these past few weeks, churning out amazing pieces of movie-inspired pixel…
COVERD LAGOON | JAPAN: As an earthquake rocked Japan on Monday, television broadcasts were interrupted, including…