It's a little bit Pokémon, a dash of Harvest Moon and a small slice of old school Final Fantasy. It's also a bit…
Moon Buggy is a clone of the classic Atari game Moon Patrol. The player is the moon base commander, out on patrol in the ATMB (All Terrain Moon Buggy). Al alien attack has penetrated the base's outer defences and its the players job to see that this incursion is stopped. The game features flying saucers that drop bombs, craters that must be jumped, boulders that must be blasted, incoming missiles, tanks and land mines. The buggy tracks left to right across the screen, it can accelerate, decelerate, fire missiles and jump but it cannot go backwards. Points are scored for enemies destroyed and distance travelled. The game records the top five scores for the gaming session.
It's a little bit Pokémon, a dash of Harvest Moon and a small slice of old school Final Fantasy. It's also a bit…
The recent introduction of the Dinobots to Transformers: Fall of Cybertron's multiplayer seems to have been a…
The world of video games is full of mighty people—people whose mere whims control what video games we play, what we…
Rage opens with a glimpse of a fictional future once considered possible.
I had many fond memories playing my way through 2010, but none were as fond as these.
Click to viewWe're excited about LittleBigPlanet. And maybe you are, too. LBP-centric site LittleBigPlanet Central…