Junkies and drug addicts usually steal and sell goods to buy hard drugs, but for one Japanese otaku, his theft was…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Monster Company
Junkies and drug addicts usually steal and sell goods to buy hard drugs, but for one Japanese otaku, his theft was…
It all started with the dodge button. Blizzard added that to Diablo III when bringing it to the PlayStation 3 and…
This weekend, video game matches at the Pokémon World Championships saw the usual suspects. There was Garchomp.…
This is it, the final day of the Pokémon World Championships, where the top trading card and video game competitors…
Along with a trio of new Mega Pokémon, Horde Battles and some sexy new Pikachu cosplay, The Pokémon Company today…
In January of 2010, I decided to change my outlook on how I manage my gaming time, how I collect games, and how I…
Though we detailed some of this last week, here's some footage of Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire's new mega,…
And now for the cutest thing I've seen all week: scans of Japanese magazine CoroCoro reveal that the upcoming…
Count yourself fortunate if you have a PlayStation 3. You’re in for a good time.
If you don't have a Wii U, it's time to get one.