There is a man named Monkey and a woman named Trip. New York City is in shambles, its landmarks collapsed or covered…
There is a man named Monkey and a woman named Trip. New York City is in shambles, its landmarks collapsed or covered…
Andy Serkis, the lead voice and body-acting talent behind Ninja Theory's Heavenly Sword and Enslaved acting as the…
Welcome to the September 2010 edition of K Monthly, a look back at some of the best original coverage, including…
The Nintendo 3DS isn't out yet, but it looks like it will get a bunch of games. A list of undated titles has popped…
Enslaved has Hollywood talent like actress Lindsay Shaw. The game was written by Alex Garland of 28 Days Later and…
in the latest developer diary for Ninja Theory's Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, the fine folks at Ninja Theory…
In this line of work, I'm continually reminded of how big a part games like Castlevania, Mega Man and Contra played…
Today at GamesCom I witnessed a monkey touching a pig's penis. Perhaps I should explain.
Now that we've got the shock of BioShock Infinite out of our systems, we can move onto more important things. Things…
Monkey and Trip show off their co-dependent relationship in this latest trailer for upcoming action game Enslaved:…