EsportsEsportsHearthstone Grandmaster Ragequits During Grand Finals MatchRather than concede a lost match, xBlyzes disconnected insteadByAsh ParrishPublishedJune 8, 2021
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CultureCultureThor's Teeth! Valheim Sells Two Million Copies In Two WeeksValheim, a Viking survival game made by a team of just five, has sold two million copies in under two weeks.…ByJohn WalkerPublishedFebruary 15, 2021
CultureCultureWhat We Loved About Hitman 3If there’s one thing Kotaku can’t get enough of, it’s Hitman 3. Between the wide-open levels, rapid-fire costume…ByAri Notis, Lisa Marie Segarra, and Zack ZwiezenPublishedFebruary 9, 2021
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsDestruction AllStars, A New PS5 Exclusive, Is FineYou’ve played Destruction AllStars a thousand times. You’ve also never played something like Destruction AllStars.…ByAri NotisPublishedFebruary 2, 2021
Game TipsGame TipsHow To Get Back Into Destiny 2Destiny 2 is no spring chicken. Since the shared-world shooter first landed in 2017, Bungie has released a steady…ByAri NotisPublishedJanuary 26, 2021
CultureCultureGameStop’s Stock Price Soars To New Records Because Capitalism Is A Shell GameStruggling retailer GameStop’s stock curiously hit an all time high today. But it’s not because Sony, Microsoft, and…ByEthan GachPublishedJanuary 22, 2021
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ReviewsMultiplatformReviewsMultiplatformYakuza: Like A Dragon: The Kotaku ReviewAfter an exhausting run of seven main games, some spinoffs and the sandwiched-but-excellent Judgment, the Yakuza seri…ByLuke PlunkettPublishedDecember 8, 2020
CultureCulturePlaying Pokémon Go With My Son Is My New, Unpaid Part-Time JobI have a new part-time job. The pay is terrible. I am the unpaid secretary and bookkeeper for my son’s game of Pokémo…ByJohn WalkerPublishedSeptember 28, 2020