The worlds of gaming and animation have been living in harmony for over 30 years. There have been plenty of shows…
The worlds of gaming and animation have been living in harmony for over 30 years. There have been plenty of shows…
You’re playing Overwatch, and the match is going well, all things considered. You’ve got a ten-elimination streak…
YouTube celebrity PewDiePie is releasing his second game, PewDiePie’s Tuber Simulator, in the vein of other YouTube…
The Olympic Games is a massively multiplayer event wherein local champions from various territories convene in a…
Love me or hate me, you’re all still talking about me. My name is Gita Jackson and I’ll be your guest editor for the…
It’s been ten years. Platinum Games was founded on August 1, 2006. Since then, the Osaka-based game company has…
Anisa Jomha was a so-called “boobie streamer” until last March. Her sizable Twitch following includes ardent fans,…
I’ve been a fan of South Park for nearly 20 years. I’ve watched every episode, played every game, and at one point…
I was a little kid whose favorite game for a solid eleven years was “pretend.” Neverwinter Nights was an early RPG…
Overwatch has technically only been out for a week, but it’s already a phenomenon. Even people who have never played …