If you want to get in on Guild Wars 2's beta test this weekend, well, you'll need to go ahead and pre-purchase (as…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Might & Magic Heroes VI: Complete Edition
The complete edition of the Might & Magic: Heroes VI games contains all previously released games, add-on's and bonus maps. The games within this compilation are: - Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Pirates of the Savage Sea - Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Danse Macabre - Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Shades of Darkness
If you want to get in on Guild Wars 2's beta test this weekend, well, you'll need to go ahead and pre-purchase (as…
Amazon's 3-for-2 deal expires today, so if you have a couple titles in mind—any platform—this is a good day to use…
StarCraft II's next expansion, Heart of the Swarm is available for pre-order—at two different prices—so be sure to…