Try as they might, the silly, bug-eyed pollution monsters populating Stay Alight do absolutely nothing to lessen the…
This game is the fruit of a lifetime’s worth of learning, though the author emphasises that erudition is ultimately pointless, so perhaps it is better to remain ignorant.
Try as they might, the silly, bug-eyed pollution monsters populating Stay Alight do absolutely nothing to lessen the…
The plan was simple: we would meet on the hotel's party floor and have a good time. Simple, and yet not quite what…
Tomb Raider gave me the worst kind of quiet at first.
We like to hold the things we make near and dear, treating them as if they were our babies. It's no different with…
The grand finale of Fire Emblem: Awakening made me feel things. Emotional things. In fact, it made me feel so many…
There are weeks when all the gaming apps that we review or play seem to follow some sort of loose theme. This is not…
The splendid new role-playing game Ni no Kuni is, in many ways, a game about stories. It's a fairy tale of the…
Music is, as I've written here so many times I've lost count, a part of the soul of any good video game. The beats…
There's a bit of Pinocchio in Mega Man's story, what with the kindly father figure creating a "son" out of…
Assassin's Creed III: Liberation , the new portable entry in Ubisoft's popular historical adventure series, offers…