All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Masked
Masked is a dungeon crawler which features a boy that is stuck within a state of purgatory. He has to fight his way to freedom by defeating many foes to ensure his survival.
This week, we finished streaming David Cage’s crime thriller Heavy Rain on Kotaku’s Twitch channel. It’s a game of…
One of the strangest features in Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, which comes out today, is called the gambit…
When you think of a visual novel, you probably think of pursuing super sexy romantic interests (or pigeons). Most of…
CEO’s Royal Rumble is always a good time and this year’s was no exception.
Fans of Netflix’s comic book shows can realize the dream of having a tiny plastic Krysten Ritter, Jon Bernthal or…
Announced during the PlayStation press conference at E3 2017, Moss is a virtual reality action-adventure puzzle…
Late last year, it was revealed that Link would become a racer in Mario Kart 8. But that wasn’t his first Mario…
Trash talking is a time-honored tradition in the fighting game community, and few are better at it than Bronson…
There are several bosses in Flinthook, a 2D platforming roguelike (roguelike-like? A game with roguelike elements?…