The last time I'd been to the island, it didn't make sense to me.
NES version of Magic Tower.
The last time I'd been to the island, it didn't make sense to me.
Last week, ace Kotaku Interns Jen Schiller and Joshua Rivera underwent a vital video game journalism rite of…
As the father of Magic: The Gathering, Richard Garfield is the man responsible for countless crazed gamers…
Hey guys, we're dating now. I think that's what clicking a button on Facebook means, anyway.
PlayStation 3 owners, you are now cleared to download last year's excellent puzzle platformer Limbo, one of the dark…
Rockets' Red Glare | It's crazy how elaborate home fireworks are getting. (Photo: Brian Crecente)
Playing Demon's Souls spiritual sequel Dark Souls at E3 2011 left me with just as many questions as answers. How,…
Fable: The Journey is an odd amalgam: a mix of on-the-rails shooter, of hand-waving magic, of Fable storytelling.
Up until now, Magicka has been a pretty friendly game, but that's all about to change. On June 21, everybody dies…
Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale, released this week, provides a fun (if somewhat predictable) dose of RPG action…