Gabriel Knight creator Jane Jensen has written a short story for Christmas, introducing the character of young…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Magic Shot
Magic Shot is an experimental billiard game. Based on traditional French Billiards, players have to touch both the yellow and red balls with the white cue ball in a single go. If only it was that simple! The table morphs after each successful shot. Magic Shot has three different modes to fit your every mood- Meditation, Purity and Insanity. In Meditation mode you will discover a new table at every step along the journey, each named after a city. In the course of 2763 levels, memory and imagination are invoked, linking the table shape with the character of the place name. The aim of Purity mode is to get as high a score as possible. Unlock the ‘Ultra’ phase, accessed by playing perfect shots in a row, and multiply your points while avoiding the decaying table. For Insanity, this is where it gets insane! The table changes continually, the clock's counting down and the pressure is on to get the highest score possible. All players will be able to track their progress on a global Leaderboard. Magic Shot mixes game design and an artistic approach to push the limit between minimalism and entertainment. The unique audio specifically crafted in collaboration with Renaud Bénard using ‘Little bits’, combined with this innovative redesign of classic French Billiards, will surprise you.
Gabriel Knight creator Jane Jensen has written a short story for Christmas, introducing the character of young…
Runes of Magic publisher Frogster has been overwhelmed by the response to their free-to-play MMORPG, with more than…
Perhaps rethinking their no new games for this holiday season policy, Nintendo just shot out a press release…
There were several things that stayed with me long after I’d put down Velvet Assassin – the most vivid of which was…
I held back talking about the Gears campaign last week since a substantial amount of what I played was on co-op,…
Pokémon fever? Still burning with the heat of the sun in Japan. As previously reported, the latest, Pokémon Platinum,…
Another Penny Arcade Expo come and gone and I find myself on my couch trying to remember the games I saw, the…
Very sad news from Redmond, Wash. Melissa Batten, 36, a software development engineer in Microsoft's Xbox division,…
Remember the uproar that was stirred when folks thought that EA's Battlefield: Bad Company would have weapons only…
By now I'm sure most of you are familiar with the seemingly odd transition of Guitar Hero from consoles to…