Got a pile of old NES carts? Want to play them on your HDMI television? Recently, a number of solutions for that…
Magic Block is a Puzzle game, developed by Mega Soft and published by NTDEC, which was released in Asia in 1991.
Got a pile of old NES carts? Want to play them on your HDMI television? Recently, a number of solutions for that…
Phantom Dust is a 2004 action game that mixes Magic the Gathering deck building and frantic arena brawling. A free…
Of all the games with tens of colorful heroes and millions of people playing incessantly, Overwatch is the least…
Imagine your old high school. Picture the doors you’d pass through at the start of each day. See if you can recall…
For years now, the latest console generation has been coasting on the idea that more raw power means better games.…
On first glance, Nioh does not seem remarkable. A generic looking action RPG in the vein of Dark Souls, Nioh seems…
The PS4 samurai action game Nioh is out today. It is really good. It’s also really difficult. If you want to play it…
Final Fantasy XV has some wonderful boss fights. Aranea Highwind offers an memorable encounter thanks to an…
Valve released notes on Dota 2's latest upcoming patch, 7.00, earlier today. The site originally crashed when the…
So you’re joining Noctis and crew for the road trip to end all road trips. Now what kind of food should you bring?…