Every Pokemon is interesting and worth talking about. I don’t play a ton of Pokemon, but I do enjoy the universe…
Every Pokemon is interesting and worth talking about. I don’t play a ton of Pokemon, but I do enjoy the universe…
Hey, it’s Toad, loyal pal of Princess Peach and Mario. Who doesn’t love Toad? What are you up to, buddy? How’s it…
I always keep a copy of MLB The Show on my hard drive, even though I rarely play it. It connects me to baseball, a…
The amount of enjoyment to be found in Falcon Age, a falcon-hunting adventure game for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation…
It’s hard to say how Fortnite is turning out because it keeps turning into something else. Skins and storylines come…
Hello all you fiery sex-buckets, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column to pivot entirely to …
Hundreds of PAX East attendees crowded around a small stage in the expo hall last Saturday afternoon to see if Seth,…
Chiquita Evans, a 30 year-old professional NBA 2K player who splits her time between Chicago and Mobile, Kentucky,…
Two broken souls find each other and begin to mend in a human/cat love story for the ages
Alita Battle Angel is an adaptation of the beloved Gunmm manga, and it’s a movie where everything that could happen…