Turn your Wii into a virtual aquarium, free Furland from the sinister Lord Squarie, and trap a helpless kitten…
Lost Toys is a 3D puzzle game based on fixing broken toys.
Turn your Wii into a virtual aquarium, free Furland from the sinister Lord Squarie, and trap a helpless kitten…
Intimidated by a $300 Prince of Persia statue? Try a $250 Prince of Persia action figure instead. This one even…
Life is full of moral decisions to make, every minute of every day we are faced with choices that can affect the…
I poke fun at the Virtual Boy as much as the next guy, but does it belong on the same list as New Coke, Clippy the…
What a week for Kotaku reviews! There were nine of them—ten if you count Owen Good's impromptu review of the KFC…
It's Wednesday, and that means it's time for Speak-Up on Kotaku! This week Deanb, Goldy, Lmaonade, and Nintendo451…
This Saturday eight cities will be bombarded with 2-gallon ice cubes, inside each will be tons of Lost Planet 2…
Today's Game Informer cover unveiling is just the latest in a year and a half's worth of Portal 2 news that has been…
Last night a hunk of plastic no one ever played set a sale price record for rare video games. In 1987 it retailed…
Japanese toy manufacturer Kotobukiya announced yesterday the release of a line of figures based on Capcom's Lost…