All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Leaf
Leaf is an exploration driven action adventure game where you're on a quest to stabilize two abandoned worlds. On your adventure you stumble across hidden weapons, spells and special items that might help you on your journey.
"We have two things to do," Nintendo president Satoru Iwata recently said to what may have been the 1,000th person…
Not going to lie. I put way, way more hours into Animal Crossing: Wild World, the first DS entry in the franchise,…
EA Sports used the real names of college players when coding its NCAA rosters internally and the NCAA's licensing…
In 2008, Facebook was banned in China. Almost exactly a year later, Twitter was banned as well. With the removal of…
I jumped into Guild Wars 2 on Saturday afternoon, re-creating for myself the Human thief I'd been missing since the …
It seems China can't get enough of motion control gaming, so much so that another Chinese company has come out to…
Two weeks ago, I posted a Geek Chic Update: Jewelry and Accessories Edition, where I showed you earrings made out…
If you go to an art museum, you're bound to see naked people. That's okay! That's art. And when you are talking…
While the Communist government neuralyzes Men in Black 3, a Chinese gadget site iGeek is claiming that the…
This picture has become a meme here on Kotaku, and a favorite callback joke in our weekly Kotaku 'Shop Contest. I'm…