A new Spelunky world record by Kinnijup is a lightning-fast 3:30:25-. It is genuinely shocking that someone can go…
A new Spelunky world record by Kinnijup is a lightning-fast 3:30:25-. It is genuinely shocking that someone can go…
Each new Halo game since 2007’s Halo 3 gets some praise, then fades, and then is pointed to as a sign that the…
Former IGN editor Filip Miucin, who was fired this week after an investigation into allegations that he had…
Ever landed on a planet in No Man’s Sky, minding your own business, mining some carbon, when a sentinel comes over,…
Is there life on Mars? On the surface Far Cry 5’s second DLC seems to answer in the affirmative. The red rock is…
Killer Queen is one of the best games I have ever played. It’s a five-on-five electronic sport that happens on one…
There’s a new Star Wars out, have you seen it yet? It’s more likely than ever that the answer is “no.” Solo: A Star…
The Dark Souls games have some grueling and difficult boss fights, but that doesn’t stop committed players from…
Marvel actually did it. The reigning king of planet blockbuster crammed 30-plus superheroes into a single sardine…
I love the rhythmic gameplay of Crypt of the Necrodancer. I was glued to my Switch once it released last February.…