ReviewsYear in ReviewReviewsYear in ReviewZack Zwiezen's Top 10 Games Of 2020When I first sat down to put together this list, I wrote down two titles and then sat and thought for a while about…ByZack ZwiezenPublishedDecember 19, 2020
CultureSplitscreenCultureSplitscreenWhat Is Even The Point Of Giving Awards To Video Games‘Tis the season to feel mildly embittered at basically all times. I speak, of course, of awards season, during which…ByNathan GraysonPublishedDecember 18, 2020
CultureCultureRiot Casually Announces League Of Legends MMOLeague of Legends fans who would like to enjoy the universe but not keep playing the same game over and over until…ByLuke PlunkettPublishedDecember 17, 2020
CultureShop ContestCultureShop Contest'Shop Contest: Monoliths, Winners!Monoliths! Remember those? Yeah, over the last few weeks they were popping up around the world. Strange. However,…ByZack ZwiezenPublishedDecember 12, 2020
CultureMorning MusicCultureMorning MusicI’m Not Yet Sold On Paradise Killer, But Its Soundtrack Is UnforgettableWelcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s daily hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make.…ByAri NotisPublishedDecember 10, 2020
CultureSplitscreenCultureSplitscreenThe Cyberpunk 2077 Hype Is Just Too MuchIn less than one week, everybody in cyberpunk future year 2020 will be playing Cyberpunk 2077. Or at least, that’s…ByNathan GraysonPublishedDecember 4, 2020
CultureMorning MusicCultureMorning MusicStar Ocean: The Second Story’s Killer Final Song Comes Out Of NowhereWelcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s daily hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make.…ByEthan GachPublishedDecember 4, 2020
CultureCultureDemon’s Souls Was Filled With Rubber Duckies During DevelopmentJust like the PlayStation 3 original, the Demon’s Souls remake on PlayStation 5 is a moody, atmospheric game with…ByIan WalkerPublishedDecember 3, 2020
CultureCultureSea Of Thieves Is Getting A Battle PassSea of Thieves will ditch its monthly update schedule and move to a Fortnite-style seasonal model starting next…ByEthan GachPublishedDecember 3, 2020
CultureCultureThe Xbox Series X Can Run...PS2 Games?What a world we live in, when Microsoft’s next-gen console has better PlayStation backwards compatibility than the…ByLuke PlunkettPublishedNovember 30, 2020