Alien invader Crypto is back again in this gorgeous and fancy new remake of the 2006 sequel
Alien invader Crypto is back again in this gorgeous and fancy new remake of the 2006 sequel
Well, except for Halo 3, there is no ‘worst’ part of Halo 3
Damn, Coffee Stain Studios, why you gotta troll us and Deep Silver like that?
With new versions on the PS5 Xbox Series X, it's a good time to jump into Rockstar's open-world adventure
2020 was a bad year for most of us, but a surprisingly good year for video games. As we enter 2021 with the hope…
Fortnite’s Season 4 came to an end today, when Marvel super villain Galactus finally arrived on the battle royale…
Spelunky 2 is a massive game, even more so than the original. While most of us are just trying to survive the first…
Super Mario Sunshine. Mario’s second foray into a three-dimensional plane built on the foundation of 1996’s Super…
Anyone who says “you can’t go home again” obviously never played a Mario game.