CultureNewsCultureNewsSomeone Killed An Ultra-Powerful Diablo IV Boss In Less Than 15 SecondsHigh-level Bone Spear Necromancers really aren’t to be messed with, huh?ByZack ZwiezenPublishedJune 29, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsHyped RPG Baldur's Gate III Took Six Years To Make Because It's Scary-BigThe Dungeons & Dragons-based RPG keeps revealing more contentByEthan GachPublishedJune 29, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsThis Roller Coaster Tycoon Map Will Take You 100 Million Years To FinishIf you started playing this Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 scenario when dinosaurs existed, you wouldn’t be done yetByZack ZwiezenPublishedJune 26, 2023
Game TipsGame TipsThis Diablo IV Quest Rewards You With Great Loot And A Heartfelt StoryThe Question of Self quest discusses mental health and the healing processByKenneth ShepardPublishedJune 23, 2023
Game TipsGame TipsOh No, Diablo IV Will Make You Create A New Character For Every SeasonThis echoes previous Diablo games, but still stings if you love your original characterByKenneth ShepardPublishedJune 22, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsDiablo IV Fans Won't Stop Trying To Find The Cow Level That Likely Isn't TherePlayers are trying to find a secret level where cows try to murder you, as is Diablo traditionByKenneth ShepardPublishedJune 16, 2023
OpinionCommentaryOpinionCommentaryDiablo IV Really Needs One More Skill SlotBlizzard’s latest action-RPG doesn’t give you a good place to stick your mob-wrecking ‘ultimate’ abilityByZack ZwiezenPublishedJune 16, 2023
CultureCosplayCultureCosplayDiablo Cosplay Is As Far From Hell As PossibleCinderys' latest effort brings Diablo IV's Lilith to lifeByLuke PlunkettPublishedJune 14, 2023
CultureKotaku Game DiaryCultureKotaku Game DiaryDiablo IV Players Keep Nicknaming Themselves 'Trash'Blizzard’s latest ARPG is currently filled with a lot of players calling themselves ‘Magic Trash’ but you're all…ByZack ZwiezenPublishedJune 9, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsWhoopi Goldberg Calls Out Diablo IV For Not Being On Mac, But Fans Have A FixThe View host and actress wants Blizzard to bring its popular ARPG to Apple systemsByZack ZwiezenPublishedJune 8, 2023