Snipperclips is the low-key charmer of the Nintendo Switch launch, a download-only indie game turned…
Snipperclips is the low-key charmer of the Nintendo Switch launch, a download-only indie game turned…
Popular production company Rooster Teeth posted a new video in their Immersion series. Looking at game myths, this…
Oh how I long to relive those days chasing danger, and launching stealthy attacks on those damned dirty apes of Ape…
It’s been months since I played Rocket League, a game about cars playing soccer. The game’s newest game mode…
A name similar to Battlefront, Battlecry and even Bloodborne hasn’t helped next month’s Battleborn stand out.…
“You’re sort of buying a lottery ticket,” the game developer Richard Rouse recently told me while explaining the…
First impression in a room full of people playing virtual reality games: these people look goofy, and the games…
Taiwanese League of Legends team Flash Wolves was widely expected to beat European opponent Origen today in the…
I’ve tried watching DOTA 2 online. I’ve tried playing it. It just wasn’t for me. Going to a big pro event changed…
One of the best parts of the new Super Smash Bros. is its level editor, which has made it easier than ever to create…