In December of 1999, at the tender age of eleven, I received Donkey Kong 64. It was a birthday gift from my parents…
In December of 1999, at the tender age of eleven, I received Donkey Kong 64. It was a birthday gift from my parents…
Sometimes it’s censorship. Sometimes it’s unfortunate implications. And sometimes it’s straight-up unexplainable.…
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney is coming to the 3DS eShop this November for $19.99. Originally released for the original DS in 2008, the 3DS game features updated 3D graphics, and includes both the Japanese and English versions, with odd regional variations intact. Neat!
EVE Online players can choose to be many things. Fighter pilots, diplomats, corpse peddlers, even admirals of…
On Monday July 17th, we at Kotaku UK received an email about Ark: Survival Evolved, offering an interview with its…
While it’s sporting fancy new voxel graphics, the heart of Lode Runner Legacy is the same satisfying gameplay that…
Developers make games, and speedrunners break them. Those goals might seem to be at odds, but Owlboy studio D-Pad…
Hasbro’s been pumping out branded versions of classic board game Monopoly for ages. With token-specific abilities,…
For some people, board games are only bits of cardboard, wood or plastic. They’re just spaceship models or dungeon…