It seemed like Mortal Kombat was dead for a while there. No games, no movies, no Fatalities. But now, the gory…
Nothing beats the passion of a true fan writing about something they love. That's what you're about to see here: one…
Some games are defined by a single place; others by a single character. Still other games are defined by action, by…
I was reminded of how powerful big-budget video games can be—yet how frustratingly tame they often remain—while I…
How much would you pay for classic characters like Sabrewulf, Glacius and the newly-announced Thunder in the…
Microsoft confirmed the the Xbox One's launch line-up. It's over twenty games strong. If you were wondering what…
Everything that I know so far about Splinter Cell: Blacklist tells me that I should like it: it’s a beautiful,…
Last Thursday night at the 2013 Xbox Comic-Con Media Showcase, I got my first hands-on time with the Xbox One. I was…
In this corner, we have Microsoft's Xbox One, with games like Ryse: Son of Rome and Killer Instinct. In the same…
Chronicle of a deal foretold.