The Xbox One is a testament to Microsoft's towering ambition. It represents their desire not only to occupy a place…
It's the Xbox One's turn to shine this week, arriving on Friday along with 22 games, among them exclusives like Ryse,…
Undoubtedly, there are fans who are ecstatic to hear that Killer Instinct, the classic fighting game that came in a…
Like lots of other people, YouTube dude Moonlight Swami pre-ordered an Xbox One. Unlike lots of other people, he…
Two weeks before launch, the Xbox One dashboard is clean, runs swiftly and does some cool new things gamers will…
Microsoft's own video showing the Xbox One's dashboard and user interface was disappointing, because being so…
What does being a next-gen game or hardware mean, exactly? While the answer is kind of murky—in some ways, the…
The Xbox One is out on November 22, and we know almost everything there is to know about Microsoft's new console.…
Finally a great Xbox 360 Bundle. We frequently see Playstation 3's deeply discounted and bundled with games like Gran…
“Sometimes I’m tempted to just, like, lie,” laughs a colleague across a table from me.