CultureNewsCultureNewsHalo Infinite Is Filled With Memes, Dataminers Unfortunately RevealDataminers have dug into the Infinite beta files and discovered new vehicles, emblems, and moreByZack ZwiezenPublishedSeptember 27, 2021
CultureSplitscreenCultureSplitscreenWhat Deathloop Gets Right And Wrong About Time LoopsArkane Studios' shooter takes a new stab at an old tropeByEthan GachPublishedSeptember 24, 2021
CultureNewsCultureNewsFather Of Home Computing Sir Clive Sinclair Dies Aged 81The inventor of the ZX computer range made computing accessible to the massesByJohn WalkerPublishedSeptember 17, 2021
CultureNewsCultureNewsDestiny 2's Most Bugged Gun Strikes AgainBungie has disabled Telesto once again following reports of a new Trials of Osiris exploitByEthan GachPublishedSeptember 12, 2021
CultureNewsCultureNewsBungie Escalates War On Destiny 2 Cheat MakersDestiny 2 dev files copyright lawsuits against three different cheat companiesByMike FaheyPublishedAugust 23, 2021
OpinionCommentaryOpinionCommentaryMore Infinite Ammo, PleaseDestiny 2 is getting rid of primary ammo, and more games should follow suitByEthan GachPublishedAugust 20, 2021
CultureNewsCultureNewsBattle Royale Players Upset Their Early Kills Were Actually Just BotsNaraka: Bladepoint starts you off against bots, but apparently doesn’t tell youByAri NotisPublishedAugust 13, 2021
ReportReportNo, Halo Infinite’s Bots Aren’t Actually Teabagging AnyoneHalo’s bots seem to taunt when you die, but there’s more than meets the eye, says 343iByAri NotisPublishedAugust 12, 2021
CultureNewsCultureNewsCompetitive Horde Mode Coming To Ghost Of TsushimaThe upcoming 'Rivals' mode will come to Legends in SeptemberByAri NotisPublishedAugust 4, 2021
OpinionCommentaryOpinionCommentaryHalo Infinite's New Radar SucksIn a first, Halo’s multiplayer radar only registers fast-moving SpartansByAri NotisPublishedAugust 3, 2021