Punching Nazis is something of a time honored tradition in the United States. So is making memes. It seems natural…
Indiana Jones superfan Patrick Schoenmaker has, for the last five years, been working on this animated sequence…
There are a lot of games that let you play as Indiana Jones. The Curious Expedition would rather you play as Allan…
Rise of the Tomb Raider is the best action-adventure game of this generation, a game that effortlessly balances…
It’s no secret that Duke Nukem Forever was not particularly well received. As a self-described snob of first person…
Some adventures cannot begin without naming your character. It’s when Final Fantasy Clouds can be Squalls. Or Freds.…
Heavy rain and thunderstorms battered the Happiest Place in Japan earlier today, seeming to cause the theme parks to…
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis isn’t just one of the greatest video games ever made, it’s also for many fans…
A few years back, I wrote about a game called Dead Century, which looked very cool. The bad news: its Kickstarter…
Old-school NES fans might have fond memories of StarTropics, an action-adventure game that crosses Zelda with Indiana…