Joe Lauzon knew his opponent was done. Problem is, the referee didn’t.
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Hyper Fighting
Hyper Fighting started as a homebrew Street Fighter fan game for the Virtual Boy, later being released as an unlicensed pirate game for the console (since it rips off Street Fighter II in every aspect without licensing from Capcom).
Joe Lauzon knew his opponent was done. Problem is, the referee didn’t.
The days of Super/Ultra/Hyper editions may be over. During the Street Fighter V panel at EVO 2015, Capcom detailed…
The guy running around in one of Marvel’s oldest superhero identities isn’t all that great when it comes to fighting…
Narrow wins, level-one teams, besting cheaters, Shiny Pokémon captures...Kotaku readers shared some of their most…
The agony! The jubilation! The drama and disappointment! I have reached the top of Destiny mountain, and the view is…
There are only two outcomes in a Heroes of the Storm match: you win or you lose. But sometimes, it doesn’t feel like…
New, younger Kombatants. Built-in options to play a particular character in completely different ways from someone…
Hadouken, Shoryuken, Sonic Boom... Street Fighter’s moves are as iconic as the characters that wield them, but one…
I’ve been playing Mortal Kombat X since late last night and I don’t want to stop.
Acknowledging that the Dead or Alive fighting franchise has a sexy image problem, community leaders at the series'…