Imagine, if you will, a world where nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons were all rendered obsolete by nearly…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Hyper Fighting
Hyper Fighting started as a homebrew Street Fighter fan game for the Virtual Boy, later being released as an unlicensed pirate game for the console (since it rips off Street Fighter II in every aspect without licensing from Capcom).
Imagine, if you will, a world where nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons were all rendered obsolete by nearly…
In case you hadn’t been paying attention to the calendar, this coming Friday is April 1. As I don’t work on Fridays,…
You want to explore other universes? Get under the skin of some weird, complicated, are-we-even-sure-they’re-human…
'What astounds me about XCOM 2 is how often it’s not bullshit'
This weekend’s UFC fight has been four years in the making. Dominick Cruz pioneered a nigh-untouchable Matrix-like…
Lots of things got shaken up in the comics I enjoyed from the last twelve months, with characters and themes getting…
Valkyrie Drive Bhikkhuni is an action game released for Vita in Japan today, but trailers for the game seem to have…
Riot’s been teasing out a ton of changes it’s making to its ludicrously popular multiplayer game League of Legends th…
Spaceships? Weird characters? Endless amounts of cheesy cowboy music? Alright, Rebel Galaxy, let’s do this.