I have not confirmed this, but I believe that you would not be allowed to keynote a climate change conference if you…
A Super Famicom baseball game from Human Entertainment. It took advantage of the system's Mode 7 to create an illusion of 3D.
I have not confirmed this, but I believe that you would not be allowed to keynote a climate change conference if you…
Whether you agree with the Supreme Court's ruling against a California law against violent video games, today, you…
Techland's Dead Island reminds me of a recurring nightmare, an unsettling dream of helplessness in which my body…
It's a country with 120 million people, with a deep and long history, with a complex and beautiful language. Yet,…
Sitting there with my DualShock in my lap, I struggled to recall the last time a video game blindsided me this hard,…
What's new on the North American PlayStation Store this week? One great new game in the PixelJunk series, an add-on…
EA Sports' raging bull crashes into shelves on Tuesday, with an M-rated look at the sweet - and brutal - science.
Killzone 3 and Bulletstorm get their guns off on Tuesday. The third release in the Killzone series won't have as…
As Kotaku's chief sports writer, my most memorable gaming moments of 2010 come entirely within that genre. No…
Any get-together with my grad-school friends always involves a gantlet of getting my ass kicked at beer pong, then…