The Fatal Frame series is one of the creepiest survival-horror game series out there and certainly my personal…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from House of Fear
Night. An abandoned dilapidated cabin in the woods. Cobwebs in the corners, dust on the floor, dilapidated furniture and... not a single living soul. Are you ready to conquer your fears and delve into the secrets of this murky place?
The Fatal Frame series is one of the creepiest survival-horror game series out there and certainly my personal…
Sims are much harder to kill in The Sims 4, the latest edition of EA's famous people simulator. Oh, but they can…
People beat the cryptic P.T. PlayStation 4 horror demo. They discovered that it was a teaser for Hideo Kojima and…
In January of 2010, I decided to change my outlook on how I manage my gaming time, how I collect games, and how I…
Violence in games can be great—not to mention really powerful, as we recently discussed. What about the other side…
Ever since the new season of Game of Thrones started, I've gathered with a group of friends each Sunday night to…
Outlast was one of the best and most disturbing surprises of 2013. Whistleblower, a prequel out this week, is less…
The following is an excerpt from ZZT, Anna Anthropy's upcoming book about Epic boss Tim Sweeney's classic game…
Is it just me or is the current transition to 'next-generation' consoles extremely, extremely weird?