You’ve gotta wonder how much it cost to make Noctis’s hair. I mean, look at it. It’s a tangled black crown of spikes…
You’ve gotta wonder how much it cost to make Noctis’s hair. I mean, look at it. It’s a tangled black crown of spikes…
The first thing you need to do in Fallout 4, obviously, is find a decent weapon. The Wasteland is a deadly,…
Over the years, players have tried to examine nearly every pixel of GTA V. These super fans have found hidden symbols
If you’re gonna make us watch a minute and a half of children running around fake temples, you’ve got to give us a…
Recently, I learned a well-kept secret about Mine Cart Carnage, the eighth level of Donkey Kong Country for the…
The final moments of Inside are tense and unexpected, but it’s only one way for it to end. Theories about the secret…
The World of Warcraft community is abuzz over an infectious, gold-stealing scam affecting players across realms.
Exploration has always been at the heart of the Pokémon series. A young person strikes out on a monster-collecting…
Star Wars Episode VII’s main story is great and all, but have you heard about how dashing Resistance pilot Poe…
Blood and Wine, the latest (and final) DLC pack for The Witcher 3, has an easter egg that I am frankly shocked…