Whether it's the news, television or the movies, Arabs have become synonymously linked with the word "terrorist."…
Free to play "strategic action" fantasy game.
Whether it's the news, television or the movies, Arabs have become synonymously linked with the word "terrorist."…
This Wednesday edition of Kotaku's The Moneysaver catches all the offers, promotions and bargains that can't wait…
The big upcoming release is Borderlands 2 and we've found a sale on the DLC subscription so you can be ready when…
Every year, representatives of the world's biggest video game websites (this one included) get together and nominate…
Allow me to apologize, on the behalf of all game developers, for the 2012 Electronic Entertainment Expo.
After teasing us like an after credits scene at a Marvel movie for ages, Zen Studios prepares to unleash four Aveng…
Last Saturday, I purposefully hurt myself. I tuned to Spike TV, a network I never watch, to check out the Spike…
Junk Jack | At some point I will be writing this up, but for now I just need to enthuse about my latest iPhone…
High-performance automobiles return to the Xbox 360 with Forza Motorsport 4 this week. Not a car guy? Take to the…
Perhaps seeking to amend some past errors as far as supporting their PC userbase is concerned, Modern Warfare…