There are a lot of anime out there about falling in love, but rare are the series that are willing to spend 12 full…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Her New Memory
One day, you find a shivering, barefooted girl in ragged clothes knocking on your door. She has no recollections of her past, and she doesn’t even remember her name. You can help her recover her memories or let her stay at your side forever. You’re no longer lonely from this day on.
There are a lot of anime out there about falling in love, but rare are the series that are willing to spend 12 full…
One of the first things that you're told in Tomodachi Life, Nintendo's newest life-sim for the 3DS, is that…
If you ask a bunch of folks which Star Wars video game is the best, more often than not you'll be told Knights of…
Back when new-gen was known as next-gen, gamers and critics alike pondered and daydreamed about the kinds of…
After 16 years covering the game industry, playing hundreds of games and interviewing thousands of people, I've…
Always remember where you parked? Never forgot the name of that one guy from high school chemistry class, even…
There are 60 new anime on the air this spring season and so it can be understandably more than a little difficult to…
Remember Borderlands 2? It came out a couple years ago, everyone played it a lot and generally really liked it? Of…
(Originally published May 11, 2008) May 1st 1980 I came home from school to find my mother waiting there for me, a…
Even in video game terms, this week has been chock full of zombie news. Sony and Microsoft, the dueling juggernauts…