Bulletstorm did a ton of advance work securing its reputation as this year's fratboy game, full of snickering, dick…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Hazard Level
Tactical horror roguelike
Bulletstorm did a ton of advance work securing its reputation as this year's fratboy game, full of snickering, dick…
For a game based on a historical period and littered with historical figures, the latest Call of Duty game sure does…
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II drops us back in control of Darth Vader's disobedient apprentice Starkiller as he…
My love for slapstick comedy was evident at a very young age. Just ask my mom who used to film me ranting about…
This week's Nintendo Download is packed to the brim with DSiWare goodness, with six titles ranging from Ferrari…
This weekend while poking about Steam I stumbled over Beat Hazard, the game that turns your music into colorful,…
Yesterday we were tipped to a video of Team Fortress 2, imagined as a side-scrolling platformer. Today I checked…
A world drained of color confronts you in Kaleidoscope, by the three-man studio of Morsel. As a Dream-Build-Play…
Apple's unveiling of a tablet PC threatened to crowd out the rest of the games and devices news this week, but we…
Matt Hazard, the guns-blazing game-hero parody with a "legendary" status that's never quite been explained, goes…