Hello, all you delightful pornwolves of the Internet. Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the Game Genie for your love life.
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Happy New Song
Rythm game, based on Fireworks!
Hello, all you delightful pornwolves of the Internet. Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the Game Genie for your love life.
A brief history for those who are new to Kotaku and our on-again, off-again obsession with this game. Destiny is a…
You can feel it. Flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing, and spring is in the air. Oh, and there’s a new season of…
During a boss battle introduced in the latest update to Final Fantasy XIV a song plays that sounds a lot like…
Last year, Kanye told the world he was working on a video game. Yesterday, the world was treated to a trailer for…
Hello, Internet! Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating column that’s authorized under article 15 of the…
If you’d have asked me at the start of the year what I thought my favorite games of 2015 would end up being, I…
Every season brings us a massive amount of new anime theme songs. Here are ten of the best from fall 2015.
Valve’s homicidal disk operating system doesn’t do “cameo” or “guest star.” The moment GLaDOS arrives in LEGO…
Matt Hall is, by almost every definition of the word, ‘successful’. 50 million downloads and $10 million later, Cross…