Moto Bug is the first enemy you ever encounter in Sonic. Is the series’ Goomba, in other words, and there’s one in So…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Hacked
Hacked brings a breath of fresh air to the classical puzzle styled game play. Packed with new features and game modes, this game will give you a new experience of an old classic.
Moto Bug is the first enemy you ever encounter in Sonic. Is the series’ Goomba, in other words, and there’s one in So…
Overwatch’s new escort map, Junkertown, has a precarious, hacked-together feeling to it—a greasy, grimy look that…
Twenty eight Super Mario Maker creators have banded together and created an exhaustive series of courses push the…
PlayStation had its Twitter and Facebook accounts compromised earlier today.
If you’ve played Mario Kart 8 you were probably so focused on trying to finish in the top four that you never had…
Roadhog was a lot of things to a lot of people. A friend, a brother, perhaps even a lover. Also, a one-man…
Panga’s Super Dram World is a notoriously hard Super Mario World hack. Last week’s sequel, Super Dram World 2, seems…
Professor Layton is back! Well, it’s actually his daughter Katrielle this time around. But other than that, Layton’s…
It all started when I thought I saw a bug crawling across my computer monitor.