Today’s the day LBP 3 reviews go up. However, for a game so reliant on online components, I’m waiting before passing…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Guns Boy
"Guns Boy" is a fast-paced 2D platformer shooter with a goal to survive a battle against armed opponents.
Today’s the day LBP 3 reviews go up. However, for a game so reliant on online components, I’m waiting before passing…
This week, Rockstar is re-releasing Grand Theft Auto V on PS4 and Xbox One. The new version, which also comes to…
I've been thinking about the apocalypse a lot lately. It's partly because of the intense drought in California.…
It's too late to get release day delivery on Sunset Overdrive, but it's not too late to get a $10 gift card with…
"I started this game collecting trash," my character quipped late in Sunset Overdrive, "and now I'm collecting trash…
Borderlands is an island. In its center, there's a breezy mix of ridiculous firefights and even nuttier guns.…
Sir Hammerlock and Mr. Torgue narrate a nearly ten-minute video about the new stuff coming to the Borderlands…
Back at the start of the spring season, as I wrote short summaries about all the season's then upcoming anime,…
In January of 2010, I decided to change my outlook on how I manage my gaming time, how I collect games, and how I…
In Freedom Wars, you are a prisoner living in a dystopian future where simply existing is a crime worth a million-yea…