Rod Humble makes video games. He knows a lot of people who wish they could, and he's made it his job to help them.
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Gravity Express
In Gravity Express, you battle gravity while transporting cargo through abandoned mines. Clients will demand speedy delivery, fuel economy, and won't be paying for your funeral. You better find your way fast while avoiding the rocky walls, magnets and cannons that spell your doom.
Rod Humble makes video games. He knows a lot of people who wish they could, and he's made it his job to help them.
In today's mournful edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter aw3str1k3r, early adopter and believer in Sony's latest…
[Editor's Note: Last week, Kotaku republished an essay by author John Scalzi titled "Straight White Male: The Lowest…
Fire up a Japanese video game, and you'll see it—just look at the newly released Final Fantasy XIII-2, if you don't…
I've lived in Japan for a long time. When I first came here, I liked living here. Now, I don't. I haven't changed.…
So much to see and do this week on the North American version of the PlayStation Store. But what to do first?…
The Nintendo Download goes underground this week, dislodging sentient earthworms from the topsoil as it desperately…
Why, the front row of a Hannah Montana concert! This week Hannah Montana: The Movie drops on not one but both (!!!)…