From acclaimed indie studio KO_OP and in association with beloved game-making initiative Double Fine Presents, Gnog is a 3D puzzle game set in a tactile world of toys and secrets. Point, click, grab, poke, spin, pull, and play with uniquely charming monster heads, and explore the hidden worlds inside them from your couch, or face-to-face in stunning PlayStation VR. Filled with eye-catching designs, playful interactions, and a rich, reactive soundtrack, the hand-crafted heads come to life in your hands! Inspired by real-world toy designs, every Gnog head is a miniature world to discover. Grab a bookcase and spin it to reveal a hidden pile of coins, slide levers to navigate a damaged ship through outer space, crank a wheel to cook a stew on the stove – each playful interaction generates lively feedback and surprising consequences. Set to a relaxing and dynamic soundtrack that evolves with each level, the surreal worlds and joyful puzzles of Gnog will have you turning heads!
A new game bundle on is raising funds for the people of Palestine, who despite a recent ceasefire between…
Out today on Apple Arcade, Winding Worlds is a delightful world-turning puzzle game from KO_OP, the development team behind the outstanding puzzle game Gnog. Solve puzzles with Willow the rabbit-thing by dragging left and right and up and down. It’s utterly charming.
For the 12th straight year I’ve made a list of the video games I’ve played in the past 12 months. I’ve tweaked the…
Colorful and quirky PS4 puzzle box game Gnog is now available on iOS. The game works well on touchscreen devices, using taps and swipes to open hatches, flip switches and generally poke about in order to solve a series of clever mechanical puzzles. Check out our PS4 impressions for more on Ko-op Mode’s charming little… Read more
The rise and fall of arcades have in large part shaped how we think about playing video games together in public…
Released today on PlayStation 4 and coming soon to PC and iOS, Gnog is a musical adventure through a series of…
It feels like only yesterday a giant open-world game was coming out every week. But alas here we are, inching…