Killing hordes of the same aliens over and over again feels a lot livelier thanks to Destiny 2’s new random…
Killing hordes of the same aliens over and over again feels a lot livelier thanks to Destiny 2’s new random…
Ghost Trick was one of my favorite games on the DS. A big part of what made it so good was the amazing music.
Hello, you electric angels of the Abyss, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column to help you…
Sayonara Wild Hearts is a shining example of using a game’s design to say something meaningful while also making it…
It’s been years since the original 3DS launched. There’s an updated version with better 3D , improved controls, and…
Microsoft showed off Gears of War 5's horde mode, NBA 2k20's career mode, and the new games coming to Game Pass…
The Haunted Mansion is one of Disney’s greatest creations. It’s also an unfixable, thematic mess, which is part of…
After Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, the titular character went into retirement—both in the series’ fiction and real…
I’ve been thinking a lot about yesterday’s surprise announcement of Playdate, the new handheld games experiment from …
Every Pokemon is interesting and worth talking about. I don’t play a ton of Pokemon, but I do enjoy the universe…